Toby Hendrickson Endowed Scholarship

Toby Hendrickson Endowed Scholarship

Toby Hendrickson joined the WWTC staff as graphics instructor and department head in 1969 and served as chairperson of the Graphics Division from 1977 until his death on August 21, 1986.
Toby was one of those rare persons who placed education and students above everything else. He organized the first WWTC student chapter of the Vocational Industrial Clubs of America (VICA) in 1974 and recruited volunteer faculty advisors from the industrial departments to assist him in this endeavor. Through his leadership, many students participated and won awards in state and national competitions. Toby was also very active in the community. He organized the Hiawatha Valley Printing House Craftsmen’s Guild Chapter in the La Crosse-Winona Region in 1970, and was instrumental in revitalizing and reorganizing the La Crosse Advertising Club in the 1984-85 school year. The Madison Chapter of Printing House Craftsmen named him man of the year in Wisconsin Graphic Arts in 1970, and the La Crosse Advertising Club gave his name to their annual club scholarship. Scholarships for WWTC students were especially meaningful to Toby and personally supported by him. WWTC staff and students, friends, admirers, and family endowed a scholarship in his memory.